The mystery of opal: interesting facts and magical properties

All opals in mineralogy are classified as quartz. They are traditionally considered to be outstanding representatives of ornamental stones, first described by the Roman historian Pliny. Among them, green opal stands out with its special and unique beauty. Such minerals are called prosopals, lechos-opals and opalites.

For newcomers to the world of ornamental stones, this may seem surprising, but all opals, oddly enough, cannot be classified as “full-fledged stones.” The reason is simple: they do not have a crystal lattice, and their properties are very similar to those of amber, coral and pearls. By the way, it is the green mineral that is considered one of the rare varieties, and natural samples dressed in jewelry are not cheap.

Magical properties of opal by country of origin

In addition to dividing all types of opals by color, they can also be divided into main places of origin. Moreover, each place has its own characteristic mystical properties.

Australian opal magical properties of the stone

Australian opals account for more than 90% of all specimens. Their distinctive feature is their incredible brightness and iridescent radiance. Nuggets are a source of pride for all residents of the country. Many guests try to purchase miraculous minerals as a souvenir of this unforgettable area, as well as for the purpose of using them as talismans.

All stones found in this area have the following miraculous and mystical characteristics:

  • Provide long and uninterrupted sleep throughout the night;
  • Calm the nervous system;
  • Have a healing effect on inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Peruvian opal magical properties of the stone

Solid blue, turquoise or pink opals can be found quite often in Peru in South America. At the same time, a blue transparent gem without additional impurities and inclusions is found exclusively in this country. Its color is often compared to the color of the Caribbean Sea - incredibly deep, pure and mesmerizing.

Peruvian gems have the following similar healing properties:

  • Symbolize the beginning of a new life;
  • Positively affect the functioning of the heart;
  • They relieve depression and various neurological diseases: epilepsy, nervous tics and others.

Ethiopian opal magical properties of the stone

Opal was first found in Ethiopia only at the end of the last century. This means that it does not have an ancient history and alternative medicine has not preserved data on the characteristics of the stones found in Ethiopian deposits. However, during this short period of time, esotericists and healers have already been able to notice some similar mystical qualities inherent in stones from this country:

  • Protects from evil spirits;
  • Recommended for use by people who cannot tolerate noisy companies. An ideal option for lovers of unity with nature and silence;
  • Helps eliminate skin rashes.

Brazilian opal magical properties of the stone

In Brazil, you can find opals in the northern part of the country. The most typical specimens are fiery and milky-white minerals. There is a little water in the structure of the stone, about 5% of the total mass, which makes them more durable, but at the same time less bright and less shining. However, this fact does not prevent the gem from having fantastic magical abilities:

  • Acts as an ideal stone for creating a talisman;
  • Stabilizes eye pressure, relieves tension, improves vision;
  • Instills hope and confidence in actions taken;
  • Has an antispasmodic effect.

Areas of application

Prazopal is a semi-precious stone. High quality specimens are used to make inserts for beads, pendants, earrings, rings and other jewelry. Most often, silver items are inlaid with the stone, but gold settings for opal are also not uncommon.

Green opals are often given an oval shape.

When making jewelry, chrysopals are cabochon-cut, giving them an oval or round shape. A well-polished convex surface without edges allows the stone to maximize its brilliance and play of color.

Large specimens of medium quality are used in the production of decorative items and amulets. Hearts, balls, pyramids and other figures are carved from stones.

Black opal magical properties of the stone

Black opal attracts with its mystery and unpredictability. It belongs to the category of valuable types of gems, since each specimen encountered is unique. Its unique coloring allows you to continuously enjoy the design for many hours. Multi-colored shining inclusions create the effect of mystery and cosmic uncertainty. Dark gems can be found in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, a limited area of ​​the United States, and also in Indonesia.

Many people are afraid of black stone, as they consider it a harbinger of trouble and a symbol of dark forces. In fact, this is completely untrue. The mineral helps ward off evil spirits. Due to its strong energy, it protects the home and the entire family from damage and the evil eye.

In addition, the dark gem develops intuition and increases mental abilities. In some cases, the stone reveals the gift of foresight in the owner, which in turn allows one to avoid meeting unnecessary people.

Also, black stone has a large number of miraculous properties, which alternative medicine has been successfully used in treatment for a long time:

  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Eliminates depression;
  • Black nuggets have a beneficial effect exclusively on people with good intentions. Holders who are planning dark, ungodly deeds can turn all negative thoughts in their direction.

Gray opal magical properties of the stone

Creative people with gray opal are endowed with inspiration and imagination, which helps them create masterpieces. Artists, before starting a new big work, wear jewelry with a gem for several days. During this time, their thoughts are illuminated with new ideas that can be used when painting.

The gray mineral has properties similar to its black counterparts. Among other things, it helps cope with colds. In this case, the gem should be kept near the neck - the cold will go away quickly and without additional complications. During seasonal epidemics, wearing a healing mineral will preserve the health of the owner.

Product care rules

The jewelry should be washed only in a mild soap solution, without resorting to the use of abrasive or overly active chemicals. For cleaning, use a soft brush, periodically immersing it in the prepared solution. After washing, the jewelry must be dried. Drying can also be done in the sun, but do not leave the stones under it for a long time so that they do not fade or lose their original shade.

Since this is a fragile stone, small cracks may appear on it from time to time, especially if you wear the jewelry for a long time and constantly. Don't despair if you find them: just take the item to an experienced jeweler and he will polish it again. To store jewelry, choose a separate box with walls upholstered in soft fabric.

Green opal is amazingly beautiful and rare. If you are lucky enough to become its owner, treat it with care and due respect, and it will certainly reciprocate your feelings.

White opal magical properties of the stone

Opal, which has a frozen gel in its structure, has unique abilities. In particular, stones with a white surface are the personification of the birth of new life. Jewelry made from such minerals is often worn by girls planning to conceive a baby. There are several types of light opals:

  • Reed – has a milky color;
  • Milky opal - its color also has a milky structure, but shades of blue, yellow or green appear;
  • White is a white mineral; some inclusions of a different palette are acceptable. Such stones are the most common.

White opal has several unexplained properties. He develops supernatural abilities in a person who did not even imagine such a possibility. The stone promotes the rapid assimilation of new information. Therefore, for better performance in school, parents often give this stone to their child at school.

White nuggets also have amazing qualities that have a positive effect on human health:

  • Cure nervous disorders of varying severity;
  • Relieves eye strain and, as a result, improves vision;
  • If, when worn daily, the stone begins to lose its shine, it means that the owner’s body requires medical study. Perhaps it indicates the primary symptoms of unpleasant diseases.

Milk opal magical properties of the stone

Milky opal is one of the subspecies of white stones. Such natural stones should not be washed in dirty water, especially those with dyes. The surface of the mineral can absorb additional colors, which will negatively affect the appearance and its abilities. Artificial stone does not have such problems, but it does not have any magical value.

The milky gem is a symbol of hope - wearing it regularly will ensure the fulfillment of the most illusory desires. Young people and couples in love often give each other this unusual nugget, as it symbolizes love and romantic relationships.

Nobility test

Noble opal is a stone whose color is difficult to determine: in the light of the sun, lamp or spotlights, this amazing mineral sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. When light hits the surface of the opal, it is refracted in a special way. It is the angle of refraction of the rays of the sun or the light of a lamp that causes the opal to begin to shine. It combines several shades; the stone can be dark or light and therefore the shades on its surface will be different.

Noble opal

If we talk about those minerals that fall under the concept of noble, then they combine several colors. Blue, red or green spots may appear on the surface of the white opal.

It is this effect of light refraction and the combination of several colors at the same time that makes opal noble. In some countries, noble opal is included in the list of precious stones. Its cost is quite high.

In the old days, only very rich and noble people could own opal. Monarchs and kings could not always afford to buy a stone in which a piece of the rainbow was hidden. Elizabeth II, for example, did not buy the opal; she received it as a gift from the King of Australia. The Empress was proud of the gift, although the size of the mineral was not too large.

The characteristic effect, smooth play and transition of one color to another is a sign of the natural origin of the mineral.

Opals are not only a gift of nature, but also, to some extent, the creation of human hands. They learned to synthesize gems quite a long time ago; technology makes it possible to create stones that have a certain resemblance to minerals of natural origin. But in the sun, those gems that were created by human hands do not shine as actively as those that were discovered in the bowels of the earth.

For this reason, the characteristic opalescent effect is a sign of noble origin. Such opals are expensive and most likely adorn luxury jewelry.

Blue opal magical properties of the stone

Blue opal is distinguished by its special shine and unusual iridescence on the surface of the stone. It has a great impact on human health and helps cure the following symptoms and diseases:

  • Diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system, in particular epilepsy, stuttering, neurasthenia, sclerosis;
  • Relieves muscle pain and pain in the spine;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system - reduces the risk of stroke, reduces symptoms of coronary heart disease, prevents the appearance of varicose veins;
  • Relieves depression, improves a person’s general condition;
  • Provides deep night sleep;
  • Successfully copes with urolithiasis.

In addition to its healing properties, the blue gem has a surprising effect on family ties. Regular wearing of opal jewelry will preserve a trusting relationship between spouses and parents with children for a long time. The stone will help restore goodwill towards a person with whom communication was lost a long time ago.

In serious conflict situations at work or at home, opal helps to put thoughts in order. To do this, it is recommended to hold the stone in your hands, while reflecting on the existing problem - after that, the only correct solution will appear in your head.

Blue opal magical properties of the stone

Blue opal belongs to the group of blue gems. Like most stones in this group, the main source of blue-blue specimens is Australia. Also, recently, scientists were able to prove the existence of opals on Mars. This fact suggested the presence of life on the red planet, which, according to experts, existed there more than 3 billion years ago. At the same time, the presence of a nugget outside the earth indicates its very strong interplanetary abilities.

Blue opal has miraculous and mystical properties similar to the entire group of blue colors. At the same time, the rich color ensures a stronger connection between the stone and a person, which means that daily wearing of jewelry is not required to achieve the desired effects.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Many people are interested in who this stone is suitable for according to their zodiac sign. He is distinguished by his friendliness towards all people. The exceptions are Aries and Leo. Opal can cause harm to these zodiac signs, as it enhances their negative properties.

Other zodiac signs should take into account the color of opal:

  1. White is an ideal option for Cancers and Sagittarius according to the horoscope. Such a stone will help hide negative character traits, making representatives of these signs more successful and calm.
  2. Blue is the optimal solution for Libra and Aquarius. If representatives of these signs wear jewelry with blue opal, they will be able to become more attentive. This mineral also helps develop skills and abilities. It is quite acceptable to use a blue gem as a talisman.
  3. Pink – when choosing this opal, for zodiac signs you should pay attention to Gemini. This mineral helps strengthen mental health and cope with the variability that is inherent in representatives of this sign. The stone also promotes the development of creative abilities.
  4. Yellow is a great option for Pisces. This type of mineral helps make them more ambitious and improves their financial situation. The stone also gives Pisces self-confidence.
  5. Black is the ideal solution for Scorpios. It helps develop nobility and self-esteem. At the same time, the black mineral helps to weaken selfishness, jealousy and vindictiveness.
  6. Green – benefits Taurus. This decoration provides protection from negative character traits. It helps to cope with greed and fear of change.
  7. Red is a great option for Virgos and Capricorns. With the help of red opal it is possible to cope with prejudices and hide shortcomings. This mineral contributes to the development of its owner and helps him become more sensual.

The meaning of the stone directly depends on the character of its owner. Opal is highly sensitive to the behavior of the owner. Therefore, sometimes he is capable of showing aggression.

Red opal magical properties of the stone

Some of the most beautiful varieties of opal are red specimens. They have strong sexual energy, so men often present such jewelry as a gift to their beloved women.

Healers often use red opals in healing rituals. They restore hormonal levels for both men and women. By stimulating the production of sexual energy, stones stimulate the birth of new life. In addition, crimson stones drive out evil spirits and help bring enemies and enemies to light.

Pink opal magical properties of the stone

Pink gems are also called Andean opals and are native to South America, particularly Peru. They represent some of the most valuable specimens that are not often found in mineral prospecting. The Peruvian Indians considered the pink nugget to be God's eye, and therefore personified it with natural phenomena. It was believed that the owners of the stone would have complete harmony with nature, which would reciprocate the person and bring all possible benefits to his home.

In addition, the mineral relieves inflammation on the skin, including allergic rashes. To do this, a ring or other jewelry with pink opal should be worn so that the stone is in contact with the skin. The digestive system improves and metabolism stabilizes. This, in turn, has a positive effect on a person’s weight - excess kilograms are lost, and insufficient muscle mass is gained faster.

There are other mystical properties that this mineral has:

  • Eliminates fears;
  • Restores nervous disorders associated with unhappy love;
  • Helps in any endeavor; honest and decent people accomplish good deeds quickly and without problems. If the owner of the gem has bad intentions, the stone will prevent their accomplishment.

Compatibility with other minerals

Jewelry with blue opal
When choosing jewelry with natural stones, you should consider their compatibility, since a natural gem carries certain information that may resonate with the background of other stones. In this case, the owner will experience discomfort.

Contradictions between minerals can provoke sudden mood swings, uncertainty in decision-making and one’s own strengths.

Opals are stones of the water element, so they go well with minerals of the Earth element, and fire and air gems should be worn separately.

The best companions for opals are amethysts, turquoise, lapis lazuli, blue sapphires, onyx, white pearls and labradorite.

You should avoid sets in which opal is combined with agates, garnets, heliotrope, ruby, carnelian, malachite, chalcedony or jasper.

Fire opal magical properties of the stone

Fire opal has an unusual bright orange color. When looking at the surface of the stone, you get the feeling that it is a broken piece of the fiery sun. It is impossible to create an artificial gem of this color - fantastic iridescences and forms of internal filling can only be formed under the influence of natural conditions over many thousands of years.

This incredible nugget has the following miraculous properties:

  • Relieves insomnia - for this it is recommended to place a stone at the head of the bed;
  • Stabilizes the nervous system, eliminates neurological symptoms: nervous tics, obsessive movements, more complex diseases;
  • Normalizes eye pressure, relieves tension, and as a result, improves vision;
  • It is an ideal talisman that will bring good luck in any endeavor;
  • Protects from damage;
  • In difficult situations that require a cool mind, provides sound thinking and suggests the right decision;
  • It is a symbol of hope - people who have lost faith in the positive outcome of a matter, when wearing jewelry with fire opal, gain confidence, which entails the right actions.

Variegated mix

There are pseudomorphs of opal based on organic remains.

For example, in one of the Australian mines they found an opalized reptile (a snake is not a snake, but it is very similar). The petrified animal sparkled with an amazing play of colors. The curiosity was immediately purchased by a collector.

Pseudomorphosis of noble opal based on a plesiosaur tooth

Has the stone lost its shine? Try wrapping your jewelry in a damp cloth for a few hours. This method is used only for solid stones. Doublets and triplets may simply separate after the procedure.

Due to the low hardness and high fragility of the stone, serious craftsmen make earrings, brooches, and pendants with opal. But not the rings!

Expert opinion

Semenishcheva Polina

Specialist in mineralogy. Graduated from St. Petersburg Mining University.

Not proven : they say that the stone cannot be given as a gift, you should buy it yourself. Otherwise, the new owner of the gem will develop hatred towards the donor. We haven't checked...

Famous opals

  • There is a well-known story about the disgrace of the ancient Roman senator Nonius. A large stone, the size of a walnut. Nonius valued the gem so much that he stopped his honorable service and went into exile. Only in order not to part with the opal, which the almighty Mark Antony had his eye on.
  • The notebook of the Elector of Saxony, Augustus the Strong, is kept in Dresden. The book has a tortoiseshell binding, which is decorated with an opal in the shape of a heart.
  • Precious stones are rarely given their own names. To achieve this, the stone must be of outstanding beauty and excellent quality.
  • Napoleon's wife Josephine had such a stone. Opal with the name "Trojan Horse".

Yellow opal magical properties of the stone

Yellow Opal is a stunningly patterned stone that emits an incredible warm light through its clear surface. These minerals are sometimes called cat's eye because their internal patterns resemble the animal's cornea.

Such gems are distinguished by the following mystical characteristics:

  • Give the gift of foresight;
  • Reveals lies and bad intentions, both from enemies and the owner himself. It is worth noting that the stone brings good luck exclusively to people who have good aspirations.
  • Alternative medicine actively uses honey opals in the treatment of the following diseases:
  • Flu and other colds associated with sore throat, cough and high fever;
  • Relieves skin inflammation, including allergic rashes.

Honey opal magical properties of the stone

One of the types of yellow opal is the honey gem, which has a richer and deeper color. Its main mystical and healing characteristics are the following:

  • Normalization of the digestive system - when infusing water on honey opal, the resulting solution should then be taken orally in small portions;
  • Regardless of the profession of the owner of the stone, the gem opens up creative potential that will lift the owner up the career ladder;
  • Leveling out bad mood and gloomy thoughts;
  • Symbolizes pure and sincere love.

Golden opal magical properties of the stone

A nugget of unusual gold color was popular among the Aztecs and Maya Indians. Religious figurines and talismans were made from it. The stone symbolized pure and sincere love. The sudden arrival of the Spaniards suspended stone mining, which was only resumed in the 19th century. The stone is especially delicate; it can be injured or dented, even when squeezed tightly in the hands. This is due to the fact that 30% of it consists of water and is a frozen helium clot.

At the beginning of the last millennium, the nugget was used to treat nervous tics and epilepsy, and relieve muscle and spinal pain.

Colors and types

Noble opals

Opals can be:

  1. Precious (noble). These are incredibly beautiful stones, endowed with transparency and opalescence, expressed by rainbow tints of color.
  2. Semi-precious (ordinary). Minerals of this group, which are opaque or translucent, have a dull color and lack rainbow tints.

Translucent opals

Depending on the properties (represented by the presence of impurities, transparency, color, hardness and luster), a huge number of varieties of this mineral are distinguished.

“Impure” opals (formed from the silica of easily weathered silicate rocks, by penetrating into their mass or as a result of filling cracks and voids that have arisen in them), are represented by:

  1. Semi-opals are cloudy stones that have a greasy sheen and are colored brown, white, red, gray and yellow.
  2. Opal jasper is a brown or red mineral.

The group of noble minerals includes:

Fire opals

Transparent or translucent stones of fiery red or deep red color. In Mexico, stones with opalescence are found.

Black opals

The most expensive gemstones are dark blue, black, dark purple with bright red opalescence.


Precious stones bearing the name of one of the characters in the Italian comedy of masks, whose costume was made of colored scraps. The surface of these transparent stones amazes with the beauty of a spectacular polychrome pattern consisting of red, blue, yellow and green circles and triangles shimmering against a fiery background.

Royal opals

Precious stones, the core of which is bronze or dark red in color, and the border around their edge is bright green. The outer zone of this border is unpainted.

Heavenly opals (girasoli)

Almost colorless transparent minerals with a bluish wavy opalescence.

Lechos opals

Stones of amazing beauty, painted in sea green color, mesmerizing with the depth of carmine and green tints.

Cat's eye opals

Extremely rare and expensive stones of honey or yellow color, having a stripe located in the very center and giving them a certain resemblance to the eyes of these animals.

The group of common minerals includes:


Watery-transparent colorless minerals, resembling glass, forming grape-shaped crusts on various rocks, lichens and mosses.

Chrysopals (or prosopals)

Opaque stones colored apple green.

Moss opals

Resembling thickets of grass.

Peruvian opals

Opaque stones of blue, pink and bluish tints, mined in Peru.

Resin opals

Having a matte black color.

Pearl opals (cacholongs)

Opaque minerals of a milky white color with tints of bluish or greenish tones.


Slightly brownish or colorless minerals with a single-color tint, found only in Mexico.

Wax opals

Stones that have a light yellowish-brown tint.

Hydrophanes (water opals)

Porous stones that, when saturated with water, acquire transparency and magnificent opalescence. It is hydrophane that all aged precious opals turn into.

Wood opals

Arising as a result of the replacement of the remains of rotted wood with a mineral and preserving its texture pattern.

Boulders (from the English word “bolder” - “cobblestone”)

Minerals that are natural doublets. This is the name for cobblestones made of ferruginous rock, the surface of which is covered with an opalescent thin crust. Insertion of precious opals is not removed from the mother base, but is processed together with it.

The best examples of boulders - coroites and jowa nuts - are found only in Australia. Koroites (“landscape stones”) have a surface covered with rainbow patterns, in the outlines of which a person with a developed imagination can see unusual scenes and images. uh

Yova-nuts are oval-shaped minerals, in the center of which, as if in a shell, there are opals, whose surface resembles jelly. Boulder opals occupy an intermediate position in this classification, being valued higher than common opals, but not as highly as fine opals.

Types of opals are presented:

  1. Doublets are stones consisting of two layers: a plate of natural opal and a black backing that improves the color of the mineral.
  2. Triplets are stones that differ from doublets in that they contain a third layer consisting of transparent glass or quartz. It is designed to protect the mineral and give it a rounded shape.
  3. Solid opals are natural stones that do not have auxiliary layers.

Green opal magical properties of the stone

Green opal, also called chrysopal, has a rich grassy color due to the presence of nickel in the structure of the stone. Unlike synthetic minerals, a natural mineral of this color is always opaque. The main deposits are located in Australia, less commonly found in Kazakhstan and Russia.

The nugget has mystical and healing properties similar to the blue specimen. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, relieves insomnia, and helps break down stones in the bladder. Green opal also has a beneficial effect on family relationships.

Place of Birth

Opals are found on all continents, but the world leader in their production is Australia (the main deposit is in the mining town of Coober Pedy). Its share in world stone mining is at least 97%.

Precious opals are also mined in the following deposits:

  • USA;
  • Brazil;
  • Mexico;
  • Honduras;
  • Guatemala;
  • Japan;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Ethiopia;
  • Kazakhstan.

In Russia, a small amount of ordinary opals is mined from deposits located:

  • in Altai;
  • in the Chita region (in the Nerchinsky district);
  • in the Orenburg region (in these areas there is the Sarinsky plateau and the Kiembaevsky asbestos quarry).
  • Opals are occasionally found in Ukraine (in the Kyiv and Zhitomir regions) and in Hungary.

Harlequin opal magical properties of the stone

The most expensive opal is the harlequin. This stone has a huge color palette. People say that he fell from heaven - his earthly origin seems so incredible. The gem got its name due to the fact that its color resembles a Harlequin costume.

The most famous harlequin mineral was found in Australia in the early 20th century. A collector from the USA purchased it and donated it to the New York Museum of Natural History. After 5 years, the stone was stolen and there is still no information about its whereabouts.

Harlequin symbolizes fidelity and the beginning of a new life. His drawing fascinates and calms the nervous system, relieves symptoms of neuralgia and epilepsy.

Rainbow opal magical properties of the stone

Rainbow opal is a gemstone that has one, usually dark, tone and many multi-colored inclusions. This color creates a feeling of celebration and a real rainbow; its mysterious transfusion is magnetic, which is especially good for mental balance.

According to ancient Greek mythology, the rainbow stone is associated with Zeus. After defeating the Titans, the God of Sky and Thunder burst into tears of happiness. His tears, falling to the ground, turned into opals. This myth is not an accident. If you carefully examine the gem, you can see in it sparks, lightning and clouds gathering in the sky - which is the personification of Zeus.

Jewelry made from this mineral has a strong energy of light and earth. They help get rid of fears and uncertainty, contribute to making the right decisions. Relieves insomnia and restores the nervous system. In addition, the stone has a positive effect on the functioning of human internal organs, in particular on the abdominal organs. When wearing a stone daily in the body, stomach and duodenal ulcers heal faster, gallstones are broken down, and the digestive process is normalized. For allergic rashes, healers in ancient times wiped the affected areas of the skin with water infused with rainbow opal.

Wood opal (Ceasite) magical properties of the stone

Ceasite or wood opal has a color in the shape of a cut of wood and at first glance captivates with its mystery and radiance. The stone does not like magicians and sorcerers; it is rather suitable for ordinary people who are not professionally involved in magic. The mineral has a beneficial effect only on people who have pure and good thoughts. It also has many healing properties:

  • Calms and prevents any magical actions aimed at the owner;
  • Long contemplation of the beauty of the stone allows you to relax your eyes and improve your vision;
  • If sleep is disturbed at night, it is recommended to hold the nugget in your hands and then put it under your pillow.

Dendritic opal magical properties of the stone

Opals that have a clear pattern reminiscent of plant imprints are called dendritic. Only an expert in mineralogy can distinguish a synthetic analogue from a natural one. It should be remembered that only natural stones, created over many thousands of years, have magical properties. Such gems have a calming effect.

Dendritic stone symbolizes unity with nature. Such specimens are suitable for people who love silence and solitude. Wearing jewelry with a nugget puts your thoughts in order and removes all unnecessary things from your head. It protects the owner from meeting too intrusive and unpleasant people.

Jewelry, how to wear?

Precious and semi-precious stones are used in jewelry. They are used to make rings, pendants, bracelets, pendants, necklaces, keychains and earrings.

Opals - even those that are perfectly suited to their owner - should not be worn constantly. This is only permitted for practicing magicians. Jewelry with opals can be worn only occasionally, for a very short time.

An opal ring, worn throughout the day, must be put on different fingers from time to time.

There is an opinion (some astrologers insist on this) that the right to wear these stones is given only to those who inherited them.

Jewelry with a stone endowed with such strong magical properties must be worn to an important meeting, during a period of creative stagnation, before performing a magical ritual.

The best setting for opal should be made of silver, since it is this metal that helps to fully reveal its beneficial properties. To activate the esoteric properties of this stone, a gold frame is required.

The most favorable day for wearing white opal is Friday, black opal is Tuesday.

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