Stones for luck: talismans that bring good luck

Natural stones for good luck: Pixabay The magic of stones is used in astrology, esotericism, healing and homeopathy. These talismans give the owners power and strength. Napoleon and Hitler believed that the twelve stones of the crown of the Roman Empire would make them rulers of the world. Use the energy of the ten most powerful talisman stones to attract good luck.


Among money talismans, green chrysoprase is considered the number one stone. It will not only enrich you, but also help you achieve success in business. Thanks to the magic of the stone, you will meet the right people and build strong business and partnership ties.

Chrysoprase is a powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye. It helps to acquire the qualities necessary for a successful person:

  • calm down and feel optimistic;
  • activate brain activity;
  • have good health and strength for victories.

Nadezhda Lapina writes about this in detail in the book “Talisman Stones for Planets in Astrological Houses.”

Chrysoprase talisman: Pixabay


Olive green peridot looks like a sweet candy. But do not underestimate the powerful stone of luck and prosperity. Thanks to its natural energy, the owner of a chrysolite talisman can count on help in:

  • achieving personal goals;
  • preserving property from encroachment by other persons;
  • successful trading.

It is recommended to wear a ring with peridot on the index finger of the left hand. It will protect the owner from magical interventions in life, teach wisdom, cunning and flexibility.

Peridot jewelry: YouTube/RG Gallery

What talismans can be worn without taking them off, and how to wear them correctly

Not all amulets can be worn constantly and for a long time. Some stones need a break from human energy.

How to wear amulets

It is difficult to wear a stone on its own, so minerals are used as an insert for jewelry .

Attention! Stones in rings or pendants have the strongest impact on a person, and the weakest in earrings.

Stones that affect concentration and mental activity can be used for insertion into earrings

In rings for the left hand, the inserts are: turquoise, aquamarine, garnet, amethyst. For the right - agate, rock crystal, beryl.

Pearls, beryl, amethyst, and moonstone work well in pendants It is possible to wear a talisman in the form of a brooch, bracelet or even a belt.

Rules for wearing a talisman:

  1. The mineral must come into contact with the owner's skin.
  2. Charms are not worn below the waist line.
  3. If several talisman stones are worn at the same time, their energies should not conflict with each other.
  4. Personal amulets cannot be given away; such a gift is possible only in exceptional cases.
  5. Talismans need to be periodically cleansed of accumulated negative energy and recharged.

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