Fool's gold mineral pyrite - everything you didn't know about gold's double

Pyrite stone gets its name from the Greek word "pyros" - "fire", which was associated with its ability to create sparks when struck. In addition, the mineral is called sulfur, vitriol or iron pyrite, as well as fool's gold. And that's not all: synonyms such as iron liver ore, goldblende, cat's gold, health stone, alpine diamond and Inca stone are also used.

The mineral received the name “fool’s gold” because in pre-Columbian America the Spaniards took it from local residents, mistaking it for a precious metal. This term is simply a description of the Spanish conquistadors, whose greed and stupidity were abundant enough to deceive themselves, remaining fools. However, the same stone became a symbol of civic valor and generosity for French women of the Napoleonic era, who received jewelry with pyrite from the state for their services to the army, for which they donated their jewelry.

Excursion into history

Translated from ancient Greek, “pir” means “fire.” The mineral was named so for its external resemblance and the belief that with its help you can quickly and easily get fire. Indeed, a couple of blows are enough for sparks to appear, which is what all peoples did from ancient times to the era of flintlocks.

The Incas made mirrors from it for magical rituals, and the Indians considered the fire stone to be protection against alligators.

Pyrites were called fool's gold. Externally, the mineral resembles gold, which is what ordinary miners and experienced Spanish conquistadors bought into. They took away or lured the shiny mineral from the Indians, and in their homeland they became the object of ridicule because of their own greed and ignorance.

External similarity, magical properties, plus a historical trail have led to numerous names for pyrite:

  • gold - Incas, fools, cats;
  • pyrite – gray, iron;
  • stone of health.

The first “matches” of humanity have a rich biography.

Use of pyrite in industry

In industry, this mineral has received very wide application; it is used in a variety of fields. Sulfuric acid is obtained from it, pyrite cinders can be used as iron ore, added to concrete, chemical waste is purified from chlorine impurities, and sometimes gold, nickel, chromium, cobalt, silver, and copper are extracted from it.

Jewelers make a variety of jewelry from it. This stone is inserted into gold and silver, sometimes even in its raw form. And large rainbow pyrite stones with regular geometric shapes have real value for collectors and can be quite expensive.

Where is pyrite used?

The ancient Egyptians used it as a jewelry or ornamental mineral.

During the Napoleonic Wars, the meaning of the stone became a symbol of patriotism. It was received as a badge of honor by French women who donated gold jewelry to the needs of the army.

In the 20th century, jewelers refined raw pyrite crystals to create exclusive items. The most famous - authorship

Londoners Butler and Wilson in the 60s.

The mining method makes pyrite stone cheap. However, almost everything goes into the production of durable types of concrete, cement, and sulfuric acid.

The jewelers get the crumbs. They love the mineral despite its fragility and heat sensitivity. Although in its original form it is magnificent.

The magic of golden edges

And again, the chain of references goes back to ancient times, starting with the ancient Greeks, who attributed to the stone an indescribable protective power for men, considering it a symbol of Ares, the god of war.

Each warrior had a protective crystal with him. It was believed that this amulet bestows incredible strength, both physical and sexual. Greek men believed that the stone gave them determination, fearlessness, and protected them from death.

In the not so distant times of the Middle Ages, pyrite was used by alchemists for experiments. And modern psychics also resort to using the stone to restore the energy field after energy-intensive rituals or rituals. Only for these purposes is a perfectly smooth stone, without chips or cracks, suitable, since a damaged stone will harm its owner.

This is interesting! Pyrite is a capricious stone. It cannot stand the proximity of other minerals besides Serpentine or Hematite. Only strong-willed and strong-willed people can wear a talisman all the time. For others, a tandem with a stone for more than three days can cause serious harm, making the owner nervous, irritable, even to the point of clouding his mind.

As a talisman, pyrite is suitable for people in dangerous professions - military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers. It is able to protect, give physical and moral strength, awaken courage, endurance, and help in making important decisions.

To experience the magic of the mineral, you must have pure thoughts and good intentions. The slightest falsity or evil pyrite will turn against the owner.

A talisman with this stone gives a person confidence, determination, and determination. It will be a special assistant for passive individuals who are prone to inaction in difficult situations and often give up and are afraid to make independent decisions.

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Although pyrite has become famous since ancient times as a male talisman, endowing a person with purely masculine character traits, this nugget is still useful for the weaker half of humanity. A woman will look more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex by wearing such a talisman. And for married ladies, the stone will help revive faded passion and return the former freshness to the relationship.

Stone deposits

The mineral is mined on all continents, but valuable specimens are rare. The largest clusters are in Sweden, Norway, Spain, Azerbaijan, the USA and the all-Russian “box” of the Urals. Jewelry samples are supplied by Italy.

Golden layers are found in the vicinity of pyrites or gold, and thermal springs. Due to the significant percentage of sulfur, the stone is called sulfur pyrite.

The mineral is not specifically sought for, but is obtained incidentally, during the extraction of more valuable copper, zinc, and cobalt from pyrite ore.

Igneous rocks are dominated by small aggregates; quartz veins harbor large, visually perfect pyrite crystals.

Appearance of the mineral and its deposits

Pyrite has a very remarkable appearance. It is an opaque stone with a bright metallic luster. It looks like a chaotic jumble of shiny cubic crystals fused together. Their edges are so smooth, as if created by human hand. Some specimens are composed of octahedral rhombuses (octahedra).

The stone has a light brass, straw yellow or golden color, so this find was often confused with gold, for which pyrite received the nickname “fool’s gold.” Sometimes you come across silver or blue pyrite.

It can be large in size - several tens of centimeters in cross section. Hatching in the form of parallel lines is “drawn” on the edges of the stone. When oxidized, pyrite loses its shine, becomes dull, and acquires an unattractive yellowish-gray tint. A glancing blow produces sparks.

Sulfur pyrite is widespread everywhere. It is found on land, in swamps, at the bottom of seas and oceans. It is part of all igneous rocks. Pyrite occurs in sedimentary rocks. It is not sought separately, but is obtained when working with pyrite ore, extracting more valuable rocks.

The largest and highest quality stones that have jewelry value are found in Italy. Pyrite is mined for industrial purposes in Russia, Canada, Japan, and the USA.

The most famous pyrite deposits are located in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Altai, and the Urals. Among European countries, Norway, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Poland, and the island of Cyprus are famous for their reserves of such minerals.

This is one of the most dangerous minerals. It has an extremely unpleasant feature: when combined with coal in air, pyrite begins to oxidize. This is accompanied by its spontaneous combustion. Highly toxic substances (arsenic) are released into the atmosphere.

If pyrite is found in a coal mine, limestone powder is scattered there, which slows down the oxidation of the ore and prevents its self-ignition.

physical characteristics

It is the most common of the sulfides, with colors ranging from golden to true brass and a Mohs hardness of 6. But pyrite is a brittle stone that is sensitive to heat. Crystal cubes have smooth edges with clear shading, as if drawn specially.

Due to its ability to spark when struck, pyrite is called fire stone. The light yellow or silver background and metallic sheen are reminiscent of gold or silver, so for a long time there was confusion with the classification - whether it was metal or stone.

It is not by chance that it is mistaken for gold - deposits of the yellow metal and mineral are often adjacent, penetrating each other, forming gold-bearing compounds.

Place of extraction

Pyrite is found almost everywhere on the planet. The largest deposits of the mineral are in Russia (Ural) and the USA. Small accumulations are found in Europe.

Specimens in condition suitable for processing and use are rare. Almost everything is supplied by Italy. In South Africa, material with uranium impurities is mined.

The shine of pyrite layers means the presence of gold nearby. This proximity makes the mineral look like a noble metal.

Pyrite can be found near hot springs. The stone is not mined separately, but is extracted from ore containing cobalt, zinc or copper.

Types of pyrites

In nature, the mineral pyrite is present in several forms, differing in chemical composition.

The main types are silvery marcasite and golden bravoite:

  1. Bravoite is a thick yellow shade created by nickel (minimum 20% of the composition).
  2. Marcasite - called drip silver for its metallic luster and shimmer on a yellowish background, is loved by jewelers.

The differences are due to the structure of the crystal lattice of the mineral.

Varieties and colors

Pure sulfur pyrite is rare. More often, impurities create a range of stones from barely noticeable yellowish to golden yellow.

Types of mineral:

  • bravoite - thick yellowness comes from nickel (up to 20% of the composition), a jewelry variety;

    Bravoite mineral

  • marcasite - metallic shiny “drop silver” plus shimmer on a slightly yellowish background; It oxidizes easily, so it is not suitable for jewelry.

    Mineral marcasite

Visual differences are created not only by impurities, but also by the lattice structure. Thus, marcasite is characterized by syngony, so the crystals resemble rays.

The healing effects of the mineral

The external resemblance to gold extends to the internal capabilities of the stone. Modern healers and fans of natural healing methods value pyrite for its properties to heal human mental and physical ailments.

The stone acts at a deep level, cleansing and nourishing the owner’s biofield. Even chronic serious illnesses go away faster.

First of all, it is a cure for depression, nervous exhaustion, and overcoming life’s failures. However, the mineral is contraindicated for emotional natures, since it will only enhance these qualities.

It gives strength, so it is suitable for people doing tedious, complex work.

Pyrite is also used for the following purposes:

  1. Elimination of joint pain.
  2. Establishing sleep, increasing performance in conditions of a disordered daily routine.
  3. Overcoming infertility.
  4. Stimulates the functioning of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, which accelerates blood circulation and ventilates the bronchi.
  5. Protection against infections.
  6. Getting rid of viral diseases.
  7. Elimination of skin fungus.
  8. Increased muscle tone.
  9. Removing freckles.
  10. Treatment of cataracts.

The stone was applied to problem areas, from which it was believed to take away negative energy. To facilitate childbirth, the stone was fixed on the woman’s leg.

Application: from cast iron to figurines

The importance of pyrite for industry (and therefore for our comfortable life) is great.

  • For many years, the production of sulfuric acid was impossible without firestone.
  • Pyrite consists of two elements - iron and sulfur. So they get iron and cast iron from it, Alpine diamond.
  • Sulfur was also previously extracted from firestone. Nowadays it is mainly obtained as a by-product of oil and gas refining (a headache for oil workers is sulfurous oil).
  • Sulfuric acid is also easy to obtain from pyrite by reacting it with oxygen.
  • Oxidative roasting of iron disulfide - and you get iron sulfate. If you don’t know what it is, it means you’re not a summer resident, not a gardener, and you haven’t had iron deficiency anemia.
  • Jewelers are trying to use the shine and resemblance to gold of this mineral.

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They tried to make watch cases, trinkets, umbrella handles, boxes, and figurines from “clown gold.” However, the capricious mineral in a humid climate quickly rusted, darkened, and lost its marketable appearance.

That’s when museum curators came up with the idea of ​​boiling items made from “Inca gold” in paraffin or covering them with colorless varnish—the jewelry became safe to wear.

Magical properties of the stone

The ancient Greeks considered pyrite a masculine mineral, a symbol of the god of war Mars, since it gave the owner remarkable physical strength. And knowing this, they took him into battle, becoming brave to the point of recklessness. They believed that pyrite would protect against sudden death, so they knew no fear.

The magical properties of pyrite are not limited to this. It is also a talisman of success on the personal front.

It is worth having it if your specialty involves stable nervous tension. The stone imparts spiritual power, fearlessness, determination and perseverance.

For centuries, the mineral has been used in rituals as an accumulator of strength and energy. For this, the mineral is valued by adherents of practical magic and psychics, hoping to return the power lost during rituals. But for this purpose, an impeccable copy is suitable - chips or cracks can bring trouble to the owner.

However, this stone is capricious; only people with an iron will are able to wear it constantly. The rest can stay no more than three days in a row. Otherwise, the emotional stress created by the mineral will make the owner irritable, unrestrained, and may lead to insanity.

Interesting Facts

Pyrite is a unique natural formation, as proven by the following facts:

  • The only sulfide that easily scratches glass.
  • Can't stand emptiness. Fills any cavities in rocks and even organic matter - penetrates into shells of mollusks and trunks of dead trees.
  • It is the most common sulfide;
  • “Tells” geologists where to look for gold, as it often lies next to this precious metal.
  • Does not need sanding. Nature has polished it so well that you can immediately insert the mineral into jewelry.
  • The stone has such a strong shine that the ancient Greeks took it into battle to blind the enemy.

“Golden Stone” ignites fire, looks like gold, heals and bewitches. It has long been famous as an amulet that attracts wealth. Although pyrite is one of the ten most dangerous minerals, people continue to believe in its supernatural abilities - they buy and wear shiny bracelets, keep figurines of money frogs at home, and the mysterious crystal has not yet disappointed anyone.

Talismans and amulets

Pyrite reveals magical properties in several cases.

Today he has become a talisman for people of “fiery”, dangerous professions - rescuers, firefighters, police officers:

  1. Gives strength on the spiritual and physical plane.
  2. Protects from the elements.
  3. Makes the owner more resilient.
  4. Helps you concentrate and act in extreme situations.
  5. Protects from conflicts.

Leaders, self-confident people - this is who the golden stone is suitable for. Therefore, all applicants for this status must have it.

Pyrite is one of the symbols of the family hearth. It protects peace and security of the home on the physical and mental plane, and revives faded marital feelings.

However, it only helps with pure intentions. Cunning, cunning people, hypocrites, liars will not receive anything from it (at best) or the stone will redirect the energy against themselves.

Physical and chemical properties

Pyrite is a stone that looks like gold in appearance, but has little in common with the composition of the noble metal. Chemical workers call the stone iron sulfide, and use the formula FeS2 to designate it. It is a fragile rock that occurs in nature as stones of a light, shiny yellowish color. In shape, it most often represents a cube with clearly defined edges due to the fact that it is strongly affected by oxygen, oxidizing the compound.

How to identify pyrite?

The price of pyrite is low; it used to be passed off as gold. Today they are counterfeiting, offering plastic or coated glass.

It’s easy to identify an imitation stone:

  1. Look at the light - natural pyrite is always opaque.
  2. Run the tip of your nail over the surface - the coating will be scratched.

It’s even easier to determine whether it’s gold or pyrite:

  • press on the surface - the soft gold will be pressed through (this is a well-known method of testing “by the tooth”);
  • try to scratch the glass - pyrite will do it easily.

Pyrite jewelry, unlike plastic or gold, is not filigree or finely crafted - only solid, solid.

Video: The most mysterious stone - pyrite (fool's gold)

Application and Use

The physical properties of pyrite determined the areas of its use.


The main field of application of the stone. The mineral is used in the production of concrete, iron sulfate, cement, mastics, and steel.

Once upon a time, alchemists deceived powerful patrons with a “golden” stone. Modern adherents of this science are not interested in him. The idea of ​​extracting gold from pyrite is utopian: it was found that there is as much of it as in the human body.


The material used in jewelry is structurally flawless and effective.

It is used to make pendants, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings for women. They are appropriate in the office, at a party or for a walk. The frames are bronze, brass, jewelry alloy and cupronickel.

Crystalline pyrite is a fertile material for men's assortment. A bracelet, pendant or pendant with minimal stone processing is truly brutal sophistication.

Collection material

Minerals with tarnish are prized by collectors. This is a real rainbow stone - it shimmers with all the colors of the solar spectrum. For example, copper impurities give a blue tint.

Pyrite bracelet

Yellow, green, brown fragments on the surface are the result of other elements in the composition of the mineral.


Pyrite is inexpensive and is priced per gram or kilogram. The price of the product depends on the degree of processing:

  • non-jewelry raw materials - $22–26 per kg;
  • tumbling 12–45 mm – $40–45 per kg;
  • beads about 40 cm long - $11 (2 mm), $8 (6 mm);
  • figurine 15x8 cm - $200–250.

The ornamental mineral is difficult to process, so small beads are more expensive than large ones.

Features of care and storage

The stone is strong, but fragile. Products made from minerals require delicate handling so as not to lose their shape and shine. Rings are especially vulnerable. Impacts, other mechanical influences, and household chemicals are contraindicated for them.

Such a piece of jewelry is unlikely to become a family heirloom, since in a few years it can change its original appearance, even be destroyed. For better preservation, jewelry owners recommend covering the crystals, cleared of oxides, washed and dried, with a layer of colorless nail polish.

A special conversation about collection material. Fossils containing pyrite require vacuum packaging because the mineral decomposes in the open air. The ingress of water provokes the formation of sulfuric acid, which is guaranteed to destroy the samples. But not everyone can organize a vacuum, considering how much it costs. Therefore, it is advised to boil them in ordinary paraffin, as is done in museums, in order to preserve the exhibits.

In a box or jewelry, pyrite tolerates proximity only to serpentine or hematite.

Compatibility with other minerals

Pyrite is an energetically strong stone belonging to the fire element. In a duet, only hematite and serpentine can cope with it.

Turquoise, garnet and jasper look good when combined with pyrite, but with this combination the energy properties of the mineral are lost.

Pyrite and Zodiac

Pyrite by name and appearance resembles gold and fire. Therefore, astrologers consider it suitable for Leo born in the summer, as well as the fire sign Aries. These people are endowed with a reserve of energy, so the stone, even with prolonged interaction, will not harm them. Suitable for hardy, strong Sagittarius or Scorpio.

It will help Scorpios or Geminis in moving up the career ladder. Other signs of the Zodiac do not need the mineral, because it can suppress, even devastate. Representatives of the element of Water - Cancers or Pisces - will be completely “dried up”, drawing out all their strength.

People whose profession does not involve risk or whose zodiac sign is anything other than Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio should wear the stone with caution.

Pyrite is very strong energetically, returning health and thirst for life to the owner. Such power, according to astrologers, is associated with Mars and Neptune, who patronize the stone.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Products made from iron pyrites can be worn by everyone. This will have a beneficial effect on your health and improve your emotional state. But the magical properties of such a stone are available only to people who are protected by the element of Fire.

Accessories with pyrite help those born in the zodiac constellation:

  • Leo. Wearing alpine diamond jewelry will have a positive effect on family life. The love passion between spouses will flare up with renewed vigor, they will feel a second youth. The energy of the stone will give the Leo man a boost of vivacity and energy, but will pacify his selfishness. A Leo woman will feel sexy and desired.
  • Aries. Flint will awaken in a person the desire for self-improvement. Cat gold jewelry will help you survive failures and not lose faith in yourself. If a man's horoscope is Aries, he needs to wear a ring with sulfur pyrites on the index finger of his right hand. This will help you achieve rapid career growth. Women born from March 21 to April 20 are better off choosing a bracelet made from this mineral. It will strengthen intuition and protect against accidents.
  • Sagittarius. Pyrite has a beneficial effect on the aura and well-being of people whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The stone will help you find spiritual harmony and find the right path in life.

For the following zodiac signs, it cannot become a talisman, but will be a reliable assistant in solving family problems, health and career issues:

  • Taurus. A sulfur crystal will help you gain the favor of the opposite sex, achieve financial stability, and improve relationships with colleagues. The stone will pacify the violent, rebellious temper of stubborn Taurus. The mineral will direct their indomitable energy in the right direction.
  • Twins. The Altai diamond is suitable for all representatives of this sign. It will increase their analytical abilities and improve concentration. Geminis, accustomed to doing first and thinking later, will become more reasonable. This will have a positive impact on your career and will help you achieve success in business.
  • Scales. Pyrite will be useful for such a sign. Astrologers recommend wearing it daily as an amulet. Everyone should listen to this advice, especially those whose work involves risk and responsibility for other people’s lives. Flint will warn of possible danger and protect you from wrong decisions.
  • Scorpion. People born under this constellation must wear or have pyrite at home. It will protect from damage and the machinations of envious people. The mineral will teach you to recognize the true essence of people. For Scorpios, it will become a talisman of good luck. The purchase of this stone will change their life for the better.
  • Capricorns. Inca gold has a positive effect on people born in late December - January. Its effect will extend to the personal life and professional sphere of representatives of this sign. Together with such a mineral, happiness, prosperity and comfort will settle in the house. Pyrite will help Capricorns build relationships with business partners in such a way as to achieve their goals.
  • Aquarius. For them, iron pyrite is a neutral stone. It won't do any harm, but it won't help either.
  • Fish. The influence of pyrite on representatives of the water sign depends on who it belongs to. This is a feminine stone. He helps girls find a life partner and find happiness in their family. Flint develops leadership qualities in a woman and adds courage. The owner must take care of the crystal. If he gets lost, she will have a lot of problems. For Pisces men, such a mineral is magically useless.

Who is not suitable for pyrite:

  • Cancers. Flint conflicts with Water signs. The stone rules such people. It will suppress a person’s will, deprive him of ambitious plans, and make him a passive observer of life. His career will decline. He will become indecisive and easily fall under the influence of others.
  • Virgo. This is an earthly zodiac sign, but such people are prohibited from constantly wearing pyrite accessories. It is better to keep such things at home and take them out when you need to make a difficult decision. Having placed the stone in front of you, you need to ask it for advice. The mineral will “tell you” a way out of the peak situation. After talking with pyrite, the problem will be resolved.


If, when wearing such jewelry, a person feels unwell or dizzy, it means that the aura of the mineral is stronger than the energy of its owner. If you experience any psychological or physical discomfort, stop wearing pyrite accessories.

Pyrite and Feng Shui

The magical properties of the stone are recognized as effective for attracting good luck, money, and family well-being.

Figurines, slides, and coins are made from stone, which embodies the element of Fire. Suitable for residential or office space.

Pyrite decor is placed in places with poor energy or special areas:

  • achieving prosperity - in the southeast;
  • house security - a sphere or cube at the entrance.

Chinese pyrite coins in a purse or handbag will attract confidence, help you overcome financial problems, and solve problems of any complexity. The low cost of pyrite makes it accessible to everyone. A large golden specimen with a metallic sheen will add respectability to the interior.


Having so many names, preserved in the bowels of the earth for so many centuries, pyrite has conquered people with its power since ancient times. Despite its simplicity, not standing next to gold in value, although it can rightfully be called its twin brother, this stone still took its significant place for people and became a reliable patron for many.

In the modern world, a stone capable of striking a fire is no longer considered something great and divine, however, if you look into the depths of the past, you can understand that it was precisely such human discoveries that, year after year, helped man rise to such heights of civilization and now help him maintain his position. them.

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Pyrite's twin brother is marcasite.

Depending on the impurities, marcasites can be orange, dark pink, red, green, gray and black. The most famous variety of marcasite is spectropyrite, which sparkles in the light with all the colors of the rainbow. This effect is best revealed in the cabochon cut of the stone, allowing it to play with different colors depending on the lighting and its intensity.

For its miraculous properties, this stone was classified as a talisman by such iconic historical figures as Queen Cleopatra and the Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna Romanova.

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How to wear and care

Pyrite is a brittle stone. It is susceptible to oxidative processes, so the decoration or collectible item must be properly cared for:

  • do not expose to direct sunlight, aggressive cleaning agents, water;
  • a transparent varnish applied to the surface of the stone will protect it from destruction;
  • pyrite should not be stored with other stones that can scratch it;
  • It is better to place a collectible item in resin, acrylic or vacuum packaging to protect it from moisture.

Pyrite is one of the strongest representatives of the stone kingdom. With him you can always count on victory, profit and success. But remember, “Inca gold” will not help scammers and black magicians.

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