How gold affects the human body: the functions of gold in human life; the effects of metal on women and men

Gold is a precious metal that has always been a symbol of beauty, wealth and power. In chemistry it is known as Aurum. The area of ​​human use of the precious metal is quite wide: it is used to make jewelry, dishes, amulets, coins, and souvenirs.

Investors' savings are deposited in gold bars and the state treasury is stored. Because of this metal, people take risks, put their lives in danger, and commit crimes.

But it’s worth thinking about the effect of gold on the human body, because the metal has certain energy and properties, both beneficial and harmful.

The importance of gold in human history from ancient times to the present day

The history of the yellow metal goes back several thousand years. It is not known for certain where and when it was discovered. Mentions of gold items are found among the ancient Sumerians, Chinese, Indians, and Egyptians. But the first who began to process metal and use it as a monetary system were the ancient Egyptians.

Golden Sun
The culture of wearing jewelry by different peoples also comes from ancient times. The first gold jewelry finds date back to the periods of the Sumerian civilization and Ancient Egypt. It is known that Cleopatra was a fan of solar metal.

A significant discovery by archaeologists was the tomb of Tutankhamun, who lived almost 4 millennia ago, and his collection of gold items. Just think about the death mask of the pharaoh, the image of which is known to every schoolchild!

They began to make gold products quite quickly, as soon as it became clear that the metal was soft and malleable.

Noble metals from a male point of view

If we are talking about a representative of the stronger half of humanity, it is better to study his tastes in advance. However, if this is not possible, it would be wise to opt for more neutral silver. It doesn’t look so provocative, which suits men of traditional views and tastes.

A good watch in a silver case, a cigarette case or a pen made of the same metal will be an excellent gift for a man of any age and status.

The maximum that a serious business person can afford is a gold chain and/or bracelet. It is very difficult to choose such decoration: the brutal massiveness will evoke unwanted associations with crimson jackets from the 90s, and the ornate weaving will cause excessive glamor. However, you can give preference to white gold: it looks discreet and expensive at the same time.

If we are talking about people of art, celebrities of all stripes, or bearers of the Eastern mentality, the choice should be exactly the opposite. Massive gold jewelry of an ornate design with precious stones is the best gift for a representative of the stronger sex of a creative profession.

With Eastern men the situation is somewhat different. On the one hand, they adore gold - only the deaf have not heard of the notorious golden door handles or plumbing fixtures of the Arab sheikhs. But Islam does not welcome jewelry on men, therefore it is better to give them gold watches and other things of utilitarian purpose in a luxurious embodiment.

From an energy point of view, it is better for men to wear gold. It has a pronounced solar power, corresponding to the masculine principle.

Daily dose of 2 to 4 mcg of solar metal. Lack and symptoms of excess gold in the body

Scientists have calculated that there is a norm of gold acceptable in the human body. From 2 to 4 mcg daily is enough for the beneficial properties of the metal to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all human organs. If a person only wears a wedding ring, then he has already consumed the daily amount of solar metal. An excess of the substance can lead to poisoning, which is expressed by symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased sweating;
  • apathy, weakness;
  • lack of appetite.

In severe cases of poisoning, a person suddenly loses weight and may complain of pain in muscles and joints. A metallic taste appears in the mouth. Also, an excess of gold can lead to dermatitis and stomatitis. Such cases require medical assistance.

A lack of precious metal in the body reduces immunity, which affects overall well-being.

Is it true that... can oxidize over time and release chemical reaction products that negatively affect the well-being of the body?

In fact

– Gold does not oxidize. It is one of the extremely environmentally resistant metals. It does not interact with human sweat or the sebum secreted by our skin. Harm to health is possible only in one case - if you bought and wear gold jewelry of dubious quality. Then we can talk about a negative impact on a person’s well-being.

Importance of Gold in Food Industry: Edible Gold, Gold Rich Products

There are food products fortified with gold. Corn contains the most precious metal. It is also found in flax seeds and barley grains. Royal jelly is enriched with gold.

Some distilled water manufacturers produce so-called golden water, obtained by dissolving metal particles in it. This water is usually not cheap. The same water is obtained if you hold jewelry in it for some time.

Drinking water from underground sources is considered saturated with the noble metal.

The use of edible gold leaf is popular in cooking. These are the thinnest gold sheets, flakes or powder that are used to decorate confectionery, chocolate, and ice cream. These sheets are used to wrap candies, decorate desserts and Easter eggs. Gold flakes are even added to alcoholic drinks: the well-known Goldschläger schnapps produced in Italy and Switzerland, the Polish-German Gdansk Vodka, and the Ukrainian Polubotka Zoloto vodka.

Goldschlager is one of the most amazing alcoholic drinks in the world.
The Japanese add gold sprinkles to sake, believing that the noble metal has a positive effect on human health. And in the United Arab Emirates, elite cafes offer coffee to wealthy tourists with golden leaves, a cup of which costs almost 1,500 rubles. Susal is a premium food supplement. Quality certificates indicate that it is suitable for human consumption.

Health Benefits of Gold

Scientific research has proven that a small amount of gold as a chemical element is contained even in human blood . And in such microscopic doses, the metal exhibits its physiological activity, affecting the human body: improving blood circulation, exhibiting bactericidal properties and normalizing metabolic processes.

Modern medical technologies make it possible to effectively fight cancer with the help of nano-capsules made of high-grade gold.

The finest gold threads are used to form an elastic collagen frame for skin tightening and modeling of facial contours in plastic surgery. Preparations containing grains of gold are recommended for the treatment of arthritis, joint inflammation, polyarthritis, anemia, and anorexia. The term “aurotherapy” (gold treatment) has been known since the first half of the 20th century.

Energy abilities of gold. Methods for cleaning metal from negativity

It is believed that gold, due to its softness and pliability, easily absorbs energy. Many superstitions are associated with this: it is undesirable to wear other people’s gold jewelry, you cannot use found jewelry. Esotericists recommend periodically cleaning solar metal products. To do this, it is best to use the resources of the four elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth:

  1. Prayer is a sound message directed to the Higher powers. Having secluded yourself in a separate room and placing the items in front of you, you can read the prayer for cleansing yourself. Gold items are also cleaned in church with the help of prayer.
  2. Fire. It is possible to cleanse jewelry from negative energy with the help of a candle, both church and ordinary. The product needs to be held over the fire for a short time; its effect can be enhanced by prayer.
  3. Water - holy, running or spring - also perfectly cleanses gold of negativity. Jewelry is kept in liquid for a certain period of time, for example overnight.
  4. Salt can draw out all the negativity from objects, which is why it is so useful to wash with salt water and wet clean the house with it. For example, if you need to clean a ring or earrings, they are completely covered with salt and left for a day. The used salt is then buried in the ground.

How to properly clean gold from foreign energy

Many people have encountered a situation where gold jewelry is given as a gift or inheritance. However, few people would risk wearing jewelry after another person. After all, metal absorbs the energy of its owner. And it may not always be positive. The person wearing the product experienced various emotions and did not always think about good things. To prevent negative energy from being transferred to the new owner, energy cleansing is simply necessary. There are several methods of cleansing.


Prayer is always an elevated conversation with God. Negative energy is something base. The prayer of a believer has powerful energy and is able to overcome any negative manifestation. You can also speak water. Read a prayer over a vessel with water and leave the decoration in the charmed water.


In this case everything is simple. The power of fire and its strong energy will burn away any negativity. It is desirable that the fire be alive. A fireplace or fire would be the best solution. You should hold the decoration over the flame for several minutes.


This is the most common and simplest method. Rinse the jewelry for a few minutes under running water. The ideal option would be a natural source of water - a lake, river, waterfall. You can also immerse the decoration in a container of water and leave it in the freezer. After defrosting, the jewelry should be washed with running water and can be worn.

Category: question-answer

Is it true that gold makes a person happier and more energetic?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

Is it true. It is a symbol of wealth and power and makes a person feel happier. In addition, esotericists claim: the noble metal has the ability to endow its owner with positive energy.

Is it possible for children to wear gold all the time?

Expert opinion

Pribrezhny Gennady Valentinovich

Jeweler 6th category

It is believed that the child’s biofield is more open and unprotected, and therefore can be more often exposed to extrasensory influence from the outside, also through gold items. Children are advised to wear some jewelry, such as a cross or earrings for girls. If these are other people's jewelry, for example, inherited or donated, they need to be energetically cleansed. Jewelry must be removed at night.

How to clean gold not only from dirt?

Expert opinion

Grishanov Mikhail Petrovich

Jeweler, director of the Grishanov and Co. workshop

If the jewelry only needs to be cleaned to remove dirt, you can take it to a jeweler who will do it delicately. You can cleanse gold jewelry from bad energy at home using fire, salt or water. Home or church prayers are also great for removing negativity from jewelry.

Useful properties of gold

Ancient healers believed that gold:

  • Improves heart function;
  • Relieves stress, depression;
  • It even lengthens life.

Gold resembles the sun and has warming properties, which is important when there is a lack of energy. In the Middle Ages, they took drinking gold for heart health, and they not only drank gold, but also chewed gold leaves and sprinkled gold shavings on their food.

Even tuberculosis and syphilis were treated with gold.

Properties of gold:

  • Reduces inflammation;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • Relieves allergies;
  • Improves memory;
  • Increases body resistance and endurance;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Opinion of esotericists

Natalia Krasnova

Tarot reader

Ask a Question

Esotericists know a lot about how gold affects a person. They argue that not everyone can wear gold. Only strong, strong-willed people with powerful energy can wear such jewelry. Weak, weak-willed people will simply be “crushed” by jewelry. Often, jewelry itself gives signs that it is not suitable for its owners: it is often lost or broken. Sometimes a person’s health deteriorates for unknown reasons.

Harm of gold to the body

For all its positive qualities, gold is not always useful: in some rare cases, people are found to be intolerant to this metal . Among the reasons are:

  • toxicity of certain compounds of gold with other metals and chemical elements;
  • the accumulation of microscopic gold particles in the liver, kidneys, spleen and parts of the brain leads to the occurrence of pathologies;
  • gold worn on the skin can cause dermatitis; gold crowns on teeth can lead to stomatitis and other gum diseases;
  • There is an opinion that wearing a gold ring on the same finger for a long time can cause diseases due to the constant impact on active sensitive points on the hands.

Who else shouldn't wear gold? It is recommended to be careful when purchasing gold jewelry for small children , since an allergic reaction is possible when gold comes into contact with the skin. Yellow gold is more readily worn by older people; young people increasingly prefer metal of other shades: silver, jewelry steel.

Pros and cons of silver

Sometimes it is difficult to determine at first glance whether it is white gold or silver. an experienced person, of course, will immediately notice the difference, because expensive varieties of white gold are visually comparable only to platinum. In principle, if your budget allows, it is rational to make a choice in favor of precious gold.

However, silver is better than gold when it comes to massive jewelry with geometric or deliberately rough designs. Everything related to sacred knowledge, runes or amulets is also best realized in silver. It is not without reason that popular beliefs attribute silver to miraculous powers, capable of resisting the dark energy of werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits.

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From an energetic point of view, silver correlates better with the feminine essence. It symbolizes the Moon (remember the purely female Old Slavic Moon), its soft reflected light and Yang energy.

Silver for Aries

For Aries, silver and products based on it will serve as a calming and stabilizing tool.
Due to their temper and sometimes instability of character, representatives of this sign need a talisman that will have a beneficial effect on its owner. The best option would be a diamond in a silver frame. The energy of this stone will be greatly enhanced by silver, which will give its owner a strong charge of energy, strength and vigor. If a woman knows that she has a number of important events ahead of her, where she needs to be on top, then a diamond pendant in a silver frame will become her indispensable companion.

Silver can give an Aries man many of its favorable qualities. Its pure texture absorbs the negative energy of the owner and allows him to improve his well-being, become more cheerful, get rid of the blues and bad mood. A good combination would be silver jewelry with jade or opal.

Silver for Leo

For representatives of the zodiac sign, this metal is almost in first place among those with a beneficial effect.
The championship is still for gold. For strong and powerful Leos, silver jewelry will be a source of additional energy. With it, they will become practically invulnerable to ill-wishers and negative energy. In addition, silver for Leo in the form of jewelry will be a wonderful accessory for every day. Wearing it will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Along with gold, silver is considered a symbol of wealth, luxury and a beautiful life. This is what all Leos strive for. The combination of silver with a diamond or sapphire is especially indicative. Wearing such jewelry will give you self-confidence, allow you to finish what you start and attract success to your life. For young Leos, silver products with it will become a reliable amulet. After all, sometimes they can be impudent, which can lead to unwanted consequences. And silver will calm them down. Also, this precious metal will help Leos improve their poor health. For example, if they suffer from high blood pressure, it will help stabilize it.

Metal therapy

The external use of metals for therapeutic purposes is called metal therapy. This is the name of the method of applying metal plates - gold, silver, copper - to diseased areas of the body.

This method is the simplest type of reflexology. If during acupuncture (another type of reflexology) a non-professional risks missing the desired point and, at best, the treatment will not be beneficial, then when applying the plates it is almost impossible to make a mistake. It’s as if the metal itself finds the sore spot and sticks to it.

Why does gold heal? When the plate comes into contact with human skin, an electric current is generated. Moreover, in the case of plates made of gold, copper, zinc, lead, the current flows from the metal to the skin. And in the case of silver and tin plates - on the contrary, from leather to metal.

Therefore, “diseases of deficiency” are treated with gold or copper plates, and “diseases of excess” with silver or tin plates.

Gold and silver plates are rarely used in metal therapy, primarily because they are expensive. At the same time, plates made of precious metals are the most effective. Gold, for example, tones and activates the activity of organs. Silver is calming and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Silver for Capricorn

For Capricorns, silver is very suitable in terms of energy and it is recommended to wear it frequently.
For a woman, this metal will help relieve tension, fatigue, and moral fatigue. If she feels that something is going wrong in her life and needs a reboot, then silver will be an excellent choice. It will allow you to clear your energy of accumulated negative energy, accumulate strength and start life from scratch.

If a woman works hard and is absorbed in her career, then silver will become an indispensable companion in all her affairs and endeavors. It will allow you to move up the career ladder faster and achieve greater success.

Although in the modern world, women work and achieve success on an equal basis with men, it is still believed that a man is the main breadwinner. Therefore, such a talisman as a silver amulet will become simply irreplaceable for him. If a man is just starting his career path, then this metal will help him make acquaintances with the right people, avoid making serious mistakes and achieve his first results quite easily.

If a man already has a profession, is in a leadership position or runs his own business, then silver will help Capricorn “stay afloat”, stay ahead of competitors, anticipate risks and pay attention to what is needed. In addition, it will give him inexhaustible energy and strength that will last for a long time.

Silver for Virgo

For romantic and dreamy Virgos, a brown diamond in a silver frame will be most suitable.
Such decoration will give them confidence in themselves and their loved ones. Virgos often have well-developed intuition and flair; silver will help strengthen these qualities, and they will be useful in any area of ​​life, in the family, in work, and in any endeavors. If Virgo listens to herself, she will be able to achieve harmony and develop in all directions. The emphasis should be on creativity, for example, sewing your own clothes or opening a dance school. A man should also take a closer look at silver jewelry with precious stones. The optimal combination would be: pearls, jade, amber or jasper. Shy Virgos sometimes lack the courage to express themselves; a diamond in a silver frame will allow him to become more daring and decisive and achieve the desired success.

In relationships with women, silver for an Aries man will liberate him and allow him to improve his personal life. If you already have a relationship, then with the help of this precious metal, a man can greatly change the relationship and fill it with more love and passion.

Silver for Taurus

For the element of Taurus, silver is, first of all, a faithful amulet. It will help you get rid of negativity and unfriendly people, protect you from conflict situations, and warn you of danger. Thanks to its natural ability to cleanse, a silver amulet will improve your health. Will help fight the following diseases:

  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Vision problems.

In close relationships, silver for Aries will allow you to look at your future soul mate from the right side, consider the person’s qualities and make the right choice.

Silver for Scorpio

This precious metal does not have much influence on Scorpios; for them it is neutral.
Accordingly, if a woman really wants to have jewelry with it, she can afford it, because it will not cause damage, but you shouldn’t expect any beneficial influence from it either. For her, it is nothing more than just a piece of jewelry. It's the same for men. For Scorpio, silver is just an accessory, decoration, an item of luxury, style and status. Just a material thing without any interaction. If Scorpio wants to feel the impact of precious metals, then he should pay attention to gold.

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